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Home » Guarding Digital Rights: How ‘Internet Shutdowns Tracker by’ Chronicles India’s Online Blackouts

Guarding Digital Rights: How ‘Internet Shutdowns Tracker by’ Chronicles India’s Online Blackouts

In today’s digital age, the internet isn’t just about memes and viral videos. It’s a lifeline that connects us, informs us, and empowers us. But what happens when this lifeline is suddenly cut off? Enter the world of internet shutdowns.

What’s the Buzz About Internet Shutdowns?

Imagine waking up one day and finding your internet gone. No Instant Messaging , no news, no online classes. That’s an internet shutdown for you. It’s like someone pulled the plug on our digital world. And in India, this isn’t a rare sci-fi scenario. The website “Internet Shutdowns Tracker by –” shines a spotlight on this issue. It’s a digital diary that records every time India faces an internet blackout.

Why Should We Care?

  1. Speak Up: The internet gives us a voice. When it’s gone, our right to express ourselves is taken away. It’s like being at a party and suddenly being gagged.
  2. Stay Informed: From news to weather updates, we rely on the internet for information. A shutdown is like being blindfolded in a maze.
  3. Earn a Living: Many of us earn our bread and butter online. An internet blackout? That’s like closing the doors of our digital shops.
  4. Learn and Grow: Especially now, with online classes being the norm, students need the internet. A shutdown is like locking the doors of a school.
  5. Emergency Calls: Imagine needing help and not being able to reach out. That’s what happens when emergency services can’t access the internet.

But Why Do Shutdowns Happen?

Governments might say it’s for our safety, to maintain peace, or to prevent rumors. But here’s the catch: shutting down the internet for everyone is like punishing the entire class for the mischief of one student. It’s not fair, and it’s not right.

The Silver Lining: The Heroes Behind the Tracker

The “Internet Shutdowns Tracker by –” isn’t just a website. It’s a beacon of hope. It’s run by, a group of tech-savvy heroes who believe in our digital rights. They’re like the digital watchdogs, ensuring our voices aren’t silenced.

The website “Internet Shutdowns Tracker by –” serves as India’s exclusive tracker for internet shutdowns. Its primary objective is to document and provide information about internet shutdowns across India, striving to keep the nation online since 2010.

The Website :

  1. Yearly Shutdown Numbers: The site offers a chronological list of the number of internet shutdowns in India from 2012 to 2023.
  2. Recent Shutdowns: It provides details of the most recent internet shutdowns, including the date, reason, and source of the shutdown.
  3. State-wise Data: The website presents data on internet shutdowns across various states and union territories of India.
  4. Longest Shutdowns: It highlights the longest internet shutdowns, providing context, duration, and reasons for the shutdown.
  5. Trends in Shutdowns: The site offers graphical representations of the duration of shutdowns, the kind of services restricted, and the nature of the shutdowns (preventive vs. reactive).
  6. Supporting Organizations: The website is an initiative of, a legal services organization that focuses on technology, law, and policy. The site provides detailed information about and its objectives.
  7. Interactive Features: Users can test what is being blocked on their internet, share their experiences, and report a shutdown.

The necessity of such a website is evident in the current digital age. Internet shutdowns can have significant socio-economic and political implications. By tracking and documenting these shutdowns, the website:

  1. Raises awareness about the frequency and reasons for internet shutdowns in India.
  2. Provides a platform for citizens to share their experiences and report shutdowns.
  3. Offers data that can be used by researchers, policymakers, and activists to understand the impact of internet shutdowns on society and advocate for digital rights.

The “Internet Shutdowns Tracker by –” is a comprehensive platform that offers valuable insights into the state of internet accessibility in India. The website is user-friendly, with a clean layout and easy navigation. The chronological presentation of data allows users to understand the increasing trend of internet shutdowns over the years. The inclusion of graphical representations makes the data more digestible and visually appealing. The site’s focus on the longest shutdowns offers a deeper understanding of the political and social contexts leading to prolonged internet inaccessibility. Overall, the website serves as a crucial tool for anyone interested in understanding the digital landscape in India and the challenges faced by its netizens.

The next time you’re online, remember, it’s not just about scrolling and liking. It’s about our rights, our voices, and our freedom. And thanks to platforms like the Internet Shutdowns Tracker, we’re reminded to cherish and fight for our digital world. Because, in the end, the internet is more than just bytes and pixels; it’s about us, the people.


Privacy Priority

Editor @ PrivacyPriority

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